Thursday, June 2, 2011

Harlem by Langston Hughes

This poem brought me back to my high school days when I analyzed this exact poem. I watched the movie called "A Raisin in the Sun" and discussed what the poem meant. Reading it again reminded me of where I am at today. My dreams were deferred. In high school, I had plans to get into FIT college and become the greatest fashion designer out there. It obviously has not happened that way because my dream got deferred due to the realities of life.

Does it dry up
      like a raisin in the sun?
      Or fester like a sore—
      And then run?

    Those four lines signifies the harsh realities of peoples dreams. Dreams either never happen, shrivel up til it can have life brought back into them, sit there and then goes away. This poem does not rhyme and it has no imagery to it but it makes you think deeply about festering dreams. Its a dream we can only make of it, what we want to make of it.

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